10 reasons you need to upgrade to a video podcast

For many people, podcasts are still fundamentally an audio-based medium. They’re something you listen to on your commute or at the gym, something to play in the background while you’re cooking or doing chores. And while the listening experience is certainly key to the ever-growing appeal of podcasts, most successful podcasts now utilise video to reach a wider audience and build a stronger engagement with their fans.

You only need to take a look at the success of Joe Rogan – host of the UK’s most popular podcast – to see just how impactful video can be. Yes, Spotify’s headline-grabbing $100m deal with Rogan in 2020 – recently renewed for a reported $250m – was focused on tapping into his huge listenership. But you only need to look at Rogan’s YouTube channel to see just how important video is to his success.

Rogan’s channel has over 16 million subscribers, and popular episodes regularly attract tens of millions of viewers. It’s hard to imagine that Rogan – and other podcast success stories like Tim Ferriss – would have become quite so widely recognised without making video a key part of their podcast efforts.

Of course, upgrading to a video podcast is not a simple process. You’ll need to add some potentially expensive equipment to your setup and master new skills – or you’ll need to work with a podcast studio that can help you. But we’re convinced that a video podcast can make an enormous difference to growing your audience and achieving your podcast goals – and we want to convince you, too!

Let’s look at ten key reasons why you should be thinking about adding video to your podcasting process.

1.  Engage your audience

First and foremost, as any YouTube addict or Netflix binge-watcher can attest, video is a naturally captivating medium. And that extends to video podcasts, too. Your viewers will see your expressions, your gestures, and any visual aids you incorporate. This multisensory experience adds depth to your content, keeping your audience hooked for longer.

Unlike audio-only podcasts, where listeners might multitask, video commands more focused attention. It’s harder to drift off mentally when there’s a dynamic visual component keeping your brain engaged. This deeper level of engagement means your message will resonate more strongly, creating a lasting impression on your audience and making them more likely to comment or interact with your content.

2.  Build deeper connections

Humans are social creatures, and we’re wired to connect through visual cues. We all know how important facial expressions and body language are when we’re trying to build connections with other people – if you’ve ever tried to have a Zoom call with someone without their camera on, you’ll know what a challenge it is. And with podcasts, the same rule applies – adding a visual dimension deepens your connection.

With video, you’ll be able to convey authenticity and personality in ways that audio alone simply cannot. Your audience will be able to draw on a whole range of nonverbal cues that allow them to understand your emotions, intentions, and the passion behind your words. This level of authenticity is essential for cultivating a devoted audience who feels like they truly know you.

3.  Expand your reach

Video podcasts aren’t just for YouTube – as important as that platform is. They can be shared seamlessly across multiple different platforms, including those all-important social media channels.

You’ll no doubt have seen podcast clips popping up on your Instagram and TikTok feeds, whether you specifically follow any podcasters or not. The virality of podcast clips shows just how powerful video is for capturing attention and expanding your audience beyond traditional podcast directories. And all those people randomly finding a clip of your podcast during a casual scroll can quickly become dedicated listeners.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that adding visuals makes your podcast accessible to a wider audience, including those who prefer visual learning or have hearing impairments. Inclusivity is good for growth!

4.  Repurpose, repost, repeat

A single episode of a video podcast offers a treasure trove of potential content. We’ve mentioned the all-important social media clips, but there’s plenty more you can do to repurpose each episode into a wide range of content. Turn your transcripts into blog posts, create quote graphics for key moments, compile “best of” clips to sum up key themes. The possibilities are endless!

Repurposing content saves you the hassle of constantly creating new material from scratch when you want to promote your brand across different channels. It’s also a brilliant way to reach different segments of your audience on the platforms they already use.

5.  Boost your SEO

Search engines are a fantastic way for people to discover your podcast. However, to get noticed, you need to rank near the top of the search results. That’s where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in – the practice of making your content more attractive to search engines. And luckily, search engines love video content!

Adding a well-optimised video podcast to your website or uploading it to YouTube gives you a significant advantage in search results. Your videos have the potential to appear prominently on search results pages, boosting your visibility and attracting new listeners organically.

Of course, simply adding video will only take you so far. Don’t underestimate the power of keywords, catchy titles, and quality descriptions to get your video in front of more people. Video podcasts give you more avenues to leverage SEO, expanding your reach beyond the traditional podcast directories.

6.  Attract top guests

Landing exciting and influential guests from your industry can be a major boost for your podcast. But that’s easier said than done. After all, most high-profile guests will likely be fielding many invitations to appear on podcasts at any given time, so you want to make your podcast seem like a strong choice for them.

Adding video to your podcast can be a great way to boost your appeal when it comes to securing those coveted guests. Not only does the video element add a sense of professionalism and help boost your brand, but it also means you can offer your guest stronger exposure, helping them expand their own reach and visibility. It’s a win-win!

7.  Stand out from the crowd

While video podcasts are growing in popularity, they’re still less common than their audio-only counterparts. This is your chance to differentiate yourself in a crowded space!

Adopting video early shows you’re a forward-thinking creator who isn’t afraid to embrace new possibilities. This innovative mindset is attractive to an audience hungry for engaging, high-quality content.

By being among the early adopters, you’ll establish yourself as a trendsetter, positioning your podcast at the forefront of the industry. Plus, standing out means you have a better chance of attracting the attention of media outlets or being featured in roundups of the best video podcasts in your niche.

8.  Increase your monetisation opportunities

Video podcasts open up a world of new revenue streams beyond traditional podcast sponsorships. Consider visual ads integrated into your video content, exploring video-specific advertising platforms like the YouTube Partner Program, and potential brand partnerships centred around the visually engaging format.

The possibilities for brand collaboration extend far beyond traditional ad reads. Partner with complementary brands to create engaging video segments. This could involve product reviews, demonstrations, tutorials, or even co-created content series that showcase the brand’s offerings in a natural and informative way.

As your viewership grows, so does your potential earning power. The greater engagement and shareability of video podcasts make them an attractive choice for advertisers and brand collaborators seeking maximum exposure.

9.  Improve your performance

One of the hidden benefits of video podcasts is the opportunity for self-analysis. Seeing yourself on camera can be a powerful (and sometimes cringe-inducing) experience, but it’s also incredibly valuable. You’ll pick up on distracting habits, notice where your energy drops, and identify areas where your presentation can be even more polished.

This self-evaluation translates into a better listener experience. Over time, you’ll hone your on-camera presence, becoming a more confident and captivating podcaster. Here are some specific aspects you can improve based on video review:

  • Body language and posture. Projecting confidence and enthusiasm through your body language will significantly enhance your delivery.
  • Eye contact. Making eye contact with the camera and your guests creates a sense of connection with your audience.
  • Pacing and delivery. Varying the pace of your speech and using pauses effectively will keep your listeners engaged.
  • Presentation skills. You can develop engaging visuals, integrate props strategically, and experiment with different editing techniques to keep your content fresh and dynamic.

By embracing video and using it as a tool for self-analysis, you’ll continuously refine your skills and elevate the overall quality of your podcast.

10.  Enjoy the process

Don’t forget: creating a podcast should be enjoyable! Video adds a fresh layer of excitement and creative exploration to the process. Experimenting with visuals, playing with creative editing, and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone can reignite your passion for podcasting while encouraging continued growth.

This renewed enthusiasm is contagious. Your audience will sense your energy, making your podcast even more enjoyable for them. Plus, who doesn’t love playing with new technology and learning fresh skills? Video podcasting provides the perfect opportunity for creative exploration, making the whole process more rewarding

Upgrade to a video podcast with Liverpool Podcast Studios

Hopefully you now have a clear sense of how powerful a video podcast can be. From extending your reach and building deeper connections with your audience to attracting high-profile guests and improving your visibility on search engines, upgrading to a video podcast can truly unleash your podcast’s potential.

Of course, you may still be concerned about the technical challenges of recording video. Yes, there’s a whole separate set of equipment involved and some new post-production skills to learn – not the most straightforward task. But there are alternatives to the DIY approach. Why not consider working with a podcast studio?

Here at Liverpool Podcast Studios, we provide top-quality audio and video recording facilities for our clients. We use professional-grade equipment across the board, including high-definition cameras. And we’ll take care of the editing and post-production process for you – we’ll even provide chapter breaks and transcripts, as well as uploading the finished product to all the key platforms, including Apple Podcasts and YouTube.

To learn more about our services, get in touch today.



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