Why you should use a podcast recording studio

An image of a man smiling while at his laptop on the set of a podcast

Podcasting has exploded in popularity in the past few years, offering a unique platform for sharing stories, ideas, and expertise of all kinds. There truly is something for everyone out there – get an insight into the mind of business leaders with Steven Bartlett’s Diary of a CEO or get a lowdown of your favourite celebrity’s dream meal with the Off Menu Podcast.

But for all the diverse topics and approaches out there, the most successful podcasts share one key thing: top-quality recording. While anyone with a microphone and an internet connection can technically launch a podcast, the most successful productions demonstrate a level of polish and professionalism that sets them apart.

In today’s hyper-competitive podcast landscape, a professional, high-quality production is essential for making a lasting impression on listeners. And this is where working with a podcast recording studio can truly transform your podcast. Let’s look at five key reasons why you should use a podcast recording studio.

Reason 1: Superior Sound Quality

A close up image of a microphone over a wooden table

This is the most obvious reason – and perhaps the most important. Unless you’re a recording whiz with money to burn on high-end microphones, you’re unlikely to achieve professional-grade recording with your DIY setup. And today’s discerning listeners can quickly tell if you’re falling short.

Of course, if you invest in the best podcast equipment and take the time to study tips from the experts, you can deliver a respectable listening experience. But if you want truly top-end sound – or if you don’t have the time to invest in learning to use a DAW – a studio is the way to go.

By working with a podcast studio, you’ll benefit from:

  • High-quality microphones. Podcast studios use microphones designed specifically for capturing the spoken word. They minimise background noise and give your voice a richer, more resonant tone.
  • Acoustically treated rooms. The recording spaces are treated with soundproofing materials to absorb echoes, reverberations, and any distracting external noises that can be so distracting for you and your guests – and for your audience, too!
  • Mixers and audio interfaces. These tools enable engineers to adjust levels, apply subtle compression for a smoother sound, and enhance the overall balance of your audio.
  • Professional headphones. These let you and your guests monitor the sound in real-time, ensuring everyone sounds their best and any issues are caught immediately.

As you can see, working with a podcast recording studio will have an enormous impact on the sound quality of your show. Your quality content will come through loud and clear – and that means it’ll be easier than ever to attract new listeners.

A photo of a man sat at his desk wearing headphones working at multiple computer screens

Reason 2: Expertise and Technical Support

As anyone who’s tried to record a podcast can attest, nothing ever quite goes the way you planned it. What’s the weird clicking sound that keeps recurring every fifteen seconds? Why did my microphone suddenly stop working twenty minutes into an interview? A missing cable, a broken mic stand… There are so many challenges that can crop up without warning and throw you off your game, no matter how well-prepared you are.

And that’s where we come to the second reason you should use a podcast recording studio: on-hand technical support. Whether it’s troubleshooting that inexplicable feedback or resolving unexpected equipment issues, studio engineers have seen it all before and can have you back on track in no time.

And it’s not just during the recording process that they’ll offer invaluable help. The editing and post-production process is vital to delivering a top-quality podcast – but it’s also one of the most challenging things for non-professionals to get to grips with. Podcast studio engineers can remove mistakes, balance audio between speakers, apply effects if needed, and ensure your final product sounds polished.

Handling audio technology can be overwhelming, even time-consuming, for those unfamiliar with it. Studios take this burden off your shoulders, letting you shine as a host or interviewer. Let the engineers handle the audio issues, so you can focus on what you do best – creating engaging content and having compelling conversations.

An image of a man crouching down and taking a photo

Reason 3: Video-Ready Production Value

In a previous blog post, we gave you 10 reasons you need to upgrade to a video podcast. Long story short: you’ll build your audience faster, develop lasting connections, and stand out from the crowd. All good things, no doubt – but adding video to your podcast is not a simple step. It means you’ll need to add more equipment to your setup and develop some new technical skills.

Alternatively, you can work with a podcast studio. Most professional podcast studios – including us here at Liverpool Podcast Studios – have a video-ready setup. That means they’ll offer:

  • High-quality cameras. You don’t just want video – you want crystal-clear, high-definition video. And that’s exactly what a studio can offer.
  • Professional lighting. Proper lighting is essential for eliminating shadows and creating a visually appealing and engaging presentation.
  • Bespoke sets. A clean, professional background is essential to make your podcast stand out. Here at Liverpool Podcast Studios, we have a wide selection of fully customisable sets to choose from.
  • Editing expertise. The editing and post-production process for video is more complex than for audio alone – but a podcast studio can handle this all for you.

The visual aspect of your podcast is crucial, especially in today’s content-saturated world. A well-lit, visually engaging setting attracts viewers and boosts your credibility. Studios take the hassle out of creating a professional video setup, essential for platforms like YouTube and social media promotion.

An image of two women laughing on the set of a podcast

Reason 4: The Magic of In-Person Connection

Recording podcasts remotely is a safe and easy option. Yes, it makes it harder to record high-quality audio and you’re at the mercy of technical issues, but if simplicity is your goal, it’s certainly got its appeal. Get your co-host or guest on a call, record the audio live, and you’re done!

But if you really want to stand out from the crowd, there are other limitations you need to think about. It’s not just the quality of your audio that can be lacking if you record remotely – it’s the quality of your interactions, too. Sharing the same physical space with your guests promotes a deeper connection than remote recording can.

In-person interactions allow you to pick up on subtle cues like body language and facial expressions, leading to more natural and engaging conversations. Being in the same room allows for quick back-and-forth exchanges and spontaneous moments that add energy and flow, making your podcast more captivating for listeners.

Unfortunately, a DIY setup that can accommodate multiple people is hard to achieve. You’ll need plenty of space and a great deal of equipment to facilitate regular recording with guests or co-hosts. The simpler and most reliable option is – you guessed it! – to work with a podcast studio.

An image of two women having a discussion on the set of a podcast

Reason 5: Convenience and Time-Saving

We won’t deny there’s something rewarding about building a podcast from scratch. It lets you hone your skills and develop an independence and resourcefulness that is deeply satisfying.

But let’s be honest: the DIY approach can be incredibly time-consuming. You need to learn a great many different skills – from recording techniques and audio editing to wrestling with upload platforms and crafting the perfect marketing strategy. Each episode transforms into a marathon. Recording, editing, uploading, promoting – every step eats away at your time and fills up your schedule.

If you’re aiming for a consistent release schedule, the DIY path can quickly lead to exhaustion and overwhelm. Remember, the holy grail of podcasting success is consistency. Listeners crave regularity – that predictable “new episode” notification fuelling their anticipation. But when time becomes your enemy, consistency suffers.

Studios offer a solution. Imagine a streamlined experience: you prepare your episodes, arrive at the studio, and focus solely on delivering great content during your recording session. Everything else – the technical setup, editing, and post-production – is expertly handled for you. This convenience frees up your time and energy, allowing you to prioritise what truly matters for your podcast’s growth.

An image of a man looking at several screens while a podcast is taking place

Grow your podcast with Liverpool Podcast Studios

While taking the DIY approach to recording your podcast is certainly doable, investing in a professional podcast recording studio offers undeniable advantages. From crystal-clear sound quality to the dynamic energy of in-person interactions, studios elevate your production on every level. You’ll benefit from expert technical support, a visually appealing setup for video podcasts, and above all, streamlined convenience. This allows you to focus on creating compelling content and growing your audience with the consistency they’re expecting.

Here at Liverpool Podcast Studios, our team of expert engineers are committed to helping podcasts of all sizes flourish. We provide a full end-to-end podcast recording service, covering everything from setting up to post-production, editing and uploading to key platforms like Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube.

We offer both one-off recording sessions and recurring monthly production plans, so whatever your needs, get in touch today.



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